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发布人:广州扑天雕商务调查咨询公司 发布地址:http://www.doujiaor.com/ 文章热度:439 发布时间:2021-07-26 09:55:02
文章标题:广州广州侦探寻人市场调查有限公司-广州侦探寻人市场调查有限公司网恋需要搜集被骗的什么证据? 文章简介:广州-网恋是网络时代流行的一个名词,即通过网络媒体进行恋爱的一种方式,但网恋是有风险的,现实生活中被欺骗是很常见的,带你来了解一下网络恋爱被骗需要哪些证据! Online love is a popular term in the Internet age, that is, a way to love through online media, but online love is risky. Being cheated in real life is very common. Let's take y 广州广州扑天雕商务调查咨询公司婚姻、外遇、出轨、小三、婚外情调查取证.寻人取证.严格保密,经验丰富,正规专业,开办十余年广泛好评,欢迎来电咨询! 前文关键词:广州广州侦探寻人市场调查有限公司 正文:咨询问题:网恋需要搜集被骗的什么证据?
Consultation question: what evidence does online love need to collect to be cheated?
Lawyer's answer
Online love is a popular term in the Internet age, that is, a way to love through online media, but online love is risky. Being cheated in real life is very common. Let's take you to know what evidence is needed for online love to be cheated!
Online love is cheated. If the amount of fraud is relatively large, it constitutes a crime of fraud. You should report the case to the Public Security Bureau in time. The Public Security Bureau will investigate and collect evidence according to legal procedures. Collect evidence: transfer records, bank transfer and remittance documents, chat records, etc.
Legal point of view:
Article 50 of the criminal procedure law of the people's Republic of China all the materials that can be used to prove the facts of a case are evidence. The evidence includes:
(1) Physical evidence;
(2) Documentary evidence;
(3) Witness testimony;
(4) Victim's statement;
(5) confession and explanation by the suspect and defendant;
(6) Appraisal opinions;
(7) Records of inquest, inspection, identification, investigation and experiment;
(8) Audio visual materials, electronic data.
后文关键词:广州 广州广州侦探寻人市场调查有限公司广州扑天雕商务调查咨询公司专注解决婚姻危机,专业机构,经验丰富,安全保密.您身边的调查专家,为您提供优质的服务,欢迎您的咨询服务,您值得信赖,拥有专业的服务,多年丰富的经验。[09-02]+委托广州侦探调查会保护客户隐私吗?
上一篇: 广州侦探搜证建议如何的收集证据?